Mission & Operating Principles

ILSI is a nonprofit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves human health and well-being and safeguards the environment.

Operating Principles

Science for the Public Good
All ILSI scientific activities have a primary public purpose and benefit.

Scientists from geographically diverse regions of the world can best address complex science and health issues by sharing their unique skills, insights, and perspectives.

Shared Values
ILSI believes scientists from industry, government, and academia and other sectors of society can and should work together to identify and address topics of common interest.

All ILSI's activities are conducted in an open and transparent manner and all scientific outcomes are made available to the public to ensure confidence in the integrity of the scientific process. The purpose and funding sources for all ILSI sponsored meetings; symposia; conference; seminars; and workshops are fully disclosed.

All publications list funding sources and sponsors. Speakers and authors sign disclosures of financial and other interests related to the contents of their presentations and/or articles.

Lobbying and Advocacy
ILSI does not lobby, conduct lobbying activities, or make policy recommendations.

Mandatory Policies

Each ILSI entity (and, as applicable, its Board of Trustees, staff, and representatives) shall comply with the policies that are contained in ILSI's Mandatory Policies. ILSI Entities are obligated to adhere to these policies through their charter agreements.

ILSI’s Code of Ethics outlines the principles which guide us and all of the individuals who work with us.

Code of Ethics

Conflict of Interest Policy


Anti-Corruption Policy

1985 IRS Tax Code Determination

Want to learn more about ILSI? Visit Frequently Asked Questions >

ILSI is a non-profit, charitable organization organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. ILSI does not engage in lobbying or political activities. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. tax law.

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