ILSI at ICN: Monday, 16 October, 08:00 – 10:00

Aging Gracefully: Staying Healthy & Well Late into Life

This session was sponsored by ILSI, the ILSI Research Foundation, and ILSI branches worldwide.

Throughout the world, and especially in regions were elderly comprise a significant and growing portion of the population, understanding the aging process and how diet and other lifestyle factors influence aging is an important public health topic. This session looked at the mechanisms of aging (lifestyle, diet, and genetics); explore new data comparing healthy aging indicators across geography (an International Life Sciences Institute project); and used case studies to foster discussion on best practices and public health policies to encourage healthy aging and well-being late in life.

08/25/2016 - Boston, Mass. - Simin Meydani, Vice Provost for Research at Tufts University, poses for a photograph on August 25, 2016. (Alonso Nichols/Tufts University)

Aging and Nutrition: Research Opportunities to Better Understand Underlying Mechanisms

Simin Meydani, DMV, PhD
Tufts University, USA

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