Food Allergy

Improving the assessment and management of food allergen risks to protect people with food allergies


The Task Force aims at fostering an international evidence-based consensus on how to assess the risk from
allergenic foods. Once identified the agreed method, the Task Force envisage developing tools to help manage the risks and protect all consumers.


  • The Task Force has worked on different components of risk assessment, ranging from the identification
    and characterisation of the allergen hazard, to the consideration of its prevalence and the level to which consumers are exposed. Moving beyond the usual tripartite model (academia, government, and industry), the Task Force involves allergic patient organisations as well as health care practitioners in many of its expert groups and has been a long – term valued partner in major European Union (EU) projects on food allergy, such as EUROPREVALL, and iFAAM.
  • The recent Task Force publication proposes a framework to help define what risk is tolerable for food allergens and provides guidance to those dealing with food allergen risk assessment and management. It is valuable not only for food industry and public authorities, but for patient organisations and allergic consumers. The guidance is being widely disseminated to all relevant stakeholders, including consumers, to increase the information flow and thus the confidence on the latest food products and labels.

For more detailed information, please contact Angeliki Stavropoulou at or Toula Aslanidis at

Task Force Members

* Scientific Advisors

Expert Groups

Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA): The Development and Integration of Methodology to Link Emerging Tools with Risk Management Actions across the Supply Chain, including Precautionary Labelling

Background & Objectives

There is a global and increasing interest in integrating risk assessment as a part of allergen management, including it in decisions on precautionary allergen labelling (PAL).
This project aims to define consensus on the methodologies needed for quantitative risk assessment. The consensual approach will better protect public health and improve the trust of allergic consumers in packaged foods by including the labelling in this approach.


Through a series of stakeholder workshops, this project will define consensus on the methodologies needed for quantitative risk assessment by food business operators, and their implementation.
The EG intends to deliver a peer-reviewed publication and a practical guidance (Black and White Report).

Allergenicity Assessment of New Protein-Containing Sources and Ingredients – Ongoing

Background & Objectives

The introduction of novel food products could expose the population to new dietary proteins. Assessing the potential allergenicity of these proteins is essential to their safe introduction, but remains a challenge.
The activity is focusing on establishing the way different types of methodologies can be deployed to achieve a quantitative or semi-quantitative assessment of the risk posed by protein sources. The recently developed Adverse Outcome Pathway for IgE-mediated sensitisation in particular, is considered.


The aim of this activity is to facilitate the introduction of novel protein sources by promoting the tools for a clearer regulatory environment, supported by better alignment between scientific test methodologies and risk management objectives. The outcome of the Expert Group could be a toolbox for all involved in the risk assessment process for novel foods and ingredients, and should include how best to communicate effectively with non-technical stakeholders.

A Framework to Help Define an Appropriate Level of Protection for Consumers with Food Allergies – Completed

Background & Objectives

To consider and define what constitutes tolerable risk – in the context of allergic reactions to food attributable to unintended allergen presence (UAP) and decisions on the use of precautionary allergen labelling (PAL)- this Expert 

This activity aims to:

  • achieving consensus in a framework within which tolerable risk arising from UAP can be defined;
  • improving food allergen management and quality of life for people with food allergies.


This activity is expected to deliver a peer-reviewed publication that will define a tolerable level of risk. It will improve the quality and transparency of the food allergen risks management.

Review of Suitability of Analytical Methods for Measuring VITAL® Reference Doses for EU Allergens in FoodstuffsCompleted

Background & Objectives

The Expert Group aims at verifying the suitability and sensitivity of the methods currently available and compliance with the established reference doses (VITAL® 2.0).
It will also offer guidance on applicability of detection of concentrations based on current VITAL® reference doses.
Finally, the Expert Group will provide a state of the art review of existing analytical technology to detect food allergens.


Deliver a peer-reviewed publication that provides guidance on the introduction and adoption of reference doses for precautionary allergen labelling (PAL).

Expert Group Members

Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA): The Development and Integration of Methodology to Link Emerging Tools with Risk Management Actions across the Supply Chain, including Precautionary Labelling

Allergenicity Assessment of New Protein-Containing Sources and Ingredients – Ongoing

A Framework to Help Define an Appropriate Level of Protection for Consumers with Food Allergies – Completed

Review of Suitability of Analytical Methods for Measuring VITAL® Reference Doses for EU Allergens in Foodstuffs Completed

* Current affiliation: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt


Z to A

The Role of Hazard- and Risk-Based Approaches in Ensuring Food Safety

Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2015;46(2) Part A:176-188. Supported by the following task forces: Emerging Microbiological Issues, Food Allergy, Food Intake Methodology, Novel Foods and Nanotechnology, Process Related Compounds and Natural Toxins, Risk Analysis in Food Microbiology, and Threshold of Toxicological Concern.

Read more

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‘Introduction to the New ILSI Europe Activity on Food Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment’
Watch the Webinar